What do you think we can do to change the world? TEDxWinterPark 2021 presents a challenge to Central Florida’s best and brightest to show up and show out. Recently, more than ever, citizens of the world feel a call to enact change and make a difference. A recent study shows that there is a global desire for vast change. TEDx heeds the call to distribute ideas worth sharing. We are excited to announce the TedxWinterPark upcoming event: ‘Countdown. Ideas Meant to Change The World.’
When Does The Upcoming TEDxWinterPark 2021 Event Take Place?
TEDxWinterPark 2021 | Ideas Meant To Change The World
December 17, 2021 | 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
The Art Gallery at Mills Park | 1650 North Mills Ave Orlando, FL, 32803
This is one of our most exciting events yet and it’s coming to Central Florida next month. Countdown. Ideas Meant to Change The World’ will take place on December 17th, 2021 at The Art Gallery at Mills Park. We have made slight changes, due to the pandemic, in order to adapt. Our staff has developed COVID-19 Precautions as a response. Due to COVID safety protocols, live attendance will be VERY limited and we will only allow a limited number of people to register.
What Ideas Have Potential To Change The World?
In the name of the mission, TEDx talks follow in the footsteps of the TED objective. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design. Check out this video for more information and explanation. Topics vary on such a wide variety of subjects and truly there is no limit. From alternative energy to evolutionary psychology, we all have the potential to incite change in our world. Although his event has presented unforeseen challenges due to COVID-19, nothing is impossible. TEDx is dead set on bringing academia, researchers, and scholars together to exchange experiences and develop results.
TEDx Upcoming Event
Our collaboration works through speakers offering new research, ideas, stories, and fresh perspectives. We speculate how to best enact real change in the world through human purposes and experiences. Moreover, TedxWinterPark is shooting for the moon and stars. Investing in a vibrant and compassionate world is important to us. Awe-inspiring and truly fresh thinking, stories, and ideas are what we seek out to contribute to the people. Our platform is frequented by A-Plus orators, bringing thought-provoking ideas. More importantly, these individuals touch on a broad range of topics such as how we live, cope, work, and thrive. Do you have what it takes? You can become a speaker and presenter at TEDx. One easy way is to keep in touch with TEDxWinterPark to stay up to date on events or you can read on to discover how to formally apply.
Interested In Speaking Or Nominating Someone For The TedxWinterPark Upcoming Event?
Many discover their interest in speaking or nominating an individual to speak. If this sounds like a great idea to you, don’t hesitate to submit an application here. TedxWinterPark is always interested in reading submissions for future shows as well. Be sure to submit soon if you’re interested in TedxWinterPark’s upcoming event ‘4321: Countdown Ideas Meant to Change The World.’ Your submission is always reviewed and we keep each submission on file. If you are not chosen to speak at this TEDxWinterPark event, you may be chosen to speak at a future event. To be considered, you must have well-developed and complete material. As honorary, as it is to be nominated, submitting your own application, is equally welcome and acceptable. TedxWinterPark truly believes that great ideas are worth spreading!
[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/p2GyOklcLUw”]
About TEDx
Every event is unique at TEDx. However, we usually combine TED Talk-associated videos and live speakers to spark a deeper connection, discussion, and understanding. Once approved by the TED brand, local and self-organized events are allowed to be deemed TEDx. So, the “x” signifies an independently organized TED event. It is also important to know that the TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program. TEDxWinterPark and other individual TEDx events are self-organized. We will change the world as an individual organization of combined scholarly networks. We continue to grow and adapt to make strides toward that goal. At the end of the day, we concur with the people across the globe feeling the call to enact change. We aspire to be a catalyst for significant change – one BIG idea at a time.
You can become a speaker and TEDx presenter too. How? Well, one easy way is to keep in touch with TEDxWinterPark and see when we are going to host our next event. See what our theme is for this next event and apply to be a presenter. Let us know what you want to present and how it relates to our theme. Let us know what might make you an expert on the topic you want to speak about. Email us at mailto:info@tedxwinterpark.com or reach out to us on our social media.